Baked rice hidden beneath a cloud of egg! ☁️ I liked the curry rice - it was moist, cheesy and bursting with flavours of the curry and beef. I wish the rice came with fresh ingredients instead of sausage (looked like chicken frankfurters to me) though. Beef and vegetables would have been great. The cloud of egg seated atop the rice was indeed light and fluffy like a soufflé, and eggy without the stench of raw eggs (if you get what I'm referring to). Subtle flavours of the egg complemented the flavourful rice perfectly, though it may get a little overwhelming for some so you may want to share it. The portion was huge too! Quite a good attempt at giving curry rice/baked rice a twist :b

Totally, the ammonia in eggs could give that stench. Had a similar soufflé in Macau but served as dessert. Interesting to have is as a savoury item. Yes, beef or veg curry would have been better than chicken franks!
Steve G oh I didn't know eggs had ammonia! 😯