Am thrilled to learn that this Carbonara here follows the authentic Italian recipe!! Which means none of that cream nonsense, just egg yolk and parmesan to create that delectable sauce! Rarely do you find such renditions here in Singapore and I love every bit of this dish here!

Both of the waiting staff mentioned that there's cream in the Carbonara
Hello, sorry just saw this - I went quite a while back so can't rmb the details, but I think I requested for a less creamy version? Perhaps I overlooked it and didn't mention this in my review
Yup no worries, thanks for clarifying. I was hoping it was an actual creamless pasta when I went to try it myself. Go for amano's if you want a legit carbonara
Oh I went to Amano before but didn't order the Carbonara haha. Thanks for the tip, will try it next time! :)
No worries, it's a lot better than this