Serving up contemporary western plates inspired by chef’s (french trained) interpretation of the Sichuan cuisine. This place really takes you on a discovery journey of the spectrum of flavors in the Sichuan cuisine.

Expect the unexpected with this beautiful well balanced blend of unconventional flavors and textures you’d expect of a risotto!

I was in awe of how visually appealing this dish was, especially from the stunning deep purple color of the grains. Apparently, this deep pigmentation of Black rice comes from anthocyanins, the same compounded that give blueberries their color and health benefits.

So, black rice is often called “forbidden rice” because it was once reserved exclusively for the Chinese emperor and forbidden to the masses. The use of black rice instead of the usual short grain type of rice (arborio of carnaroli) provided that delectable nutty flavor and when cooked, they remain distinct and firm to the bite.

The consistency of the broth was spot on, with an interesting zing from the bold sour veg broth. Yet, at the same time, there is the familiar cheesy creamy base from the use of parmigiana. The fried soy beans added crunch to the dish. Overall, it was truly enjoyable and a great option to take a time out from all that peppercorn and chilli oil! 😛