Super extensive list of items to choose from, pimping my breakfast at The Lokal never fails to start my day on a good note. I truly adore this place for taking pride in what they serve, making many items from scratch like yoghurt, baked beans, ricotta, kimchi, kaya, peanut butter and even ketchup and chili sauce! Lots of love and effort put into every item listed on the menu 😊

What is interesting is the more unconventional options available for the pimp list: Housemade kimchi [$6], burger patty [$8], cauliflower and cheese [$6] and many more. Something more indulgent would be the Grilled slipper lobster tails [$12]

On my plate:
Toasted Rye [$2]
Scrambled eggs [$6]
Carrot pumpkin seed hummus [$6]
Roast chicken [$6]

Everything was delicious on my plate. Especially enjoyed the perfectly scrambled eggs with their housemade ketchup. The hummus was not what I expected as the taste of chick peas was rather mild, plus it was more on the sweet side. Texture wise, it was more mushy than gritty/paste-y (which I prefer). Roast chicken was nicely shredded and seasoned. Overall, full and satisfied!