Please arrive earlier if you want to eat the Pork Trotters!! It was sold out when I went near to the closing time 🥺 the BKT was deliciously peppery and meaty. The meat was really tender although we got the normal one. While there’s unlimited free refills, the first bowl tasted different from the refills. The first bowl had a strong meaty taste and really savoury, but the refills were just peppery and quite bland 😢

The preserved vegetable was more on the savoury side compared to the sour kind. I personally prefer the sour kind, but my partner loved this.

The pork belly was pretty good, the meats were perfectly marinated and absorbed the sauce, while not being too salty. The bigger pieces were quite tough, but paired with the delicious fatty skin... omggg 🤤🤤

Overall, a really satisfying meal and would love to try the pork knucles and premium pork ribs in the future!