I've long gave up on the prospect of having cheap and good Western fare like those we grew up chomping on, since we've got better (albeit more expensive) options now where most hawker Western stalls of late are all pretty much ubiquitous and a letdown. So: biggest surprise and joy of the week was to find this epic amazing hawker Western stall. Huge huge huuuuuge chicken chop — the skin-on kind I loved back when this was every kid's fave — boasting a great char, tangy and sweet purple slaw, and soooo much smooth, creamy mash. All of this for (guess what) just 6 bucks. Don't expect luscious Robuchon buttery mash or some badass pan gravy: this is the hawker-style Western fare we grew up with, and I dare say it's no lesser than their more renowned counterparts.