Have y’all gone to PIVOT for their desserts and tamago sando? Decided to drop by one day for a quick coffee and cake. And I ordered their bestseller OH! Gee Cha ($8.50) since it’s my first time here.

A houjicha mousse cake that’s light on taste. Beneath the mousse is a rather fluffy houjicha genoise. In the middle lies an Apple compote that adds a fruity element to the cake. It’s decorated with houjicha leaves and houjicha crumble.

I’m not a diehard houjicha fan but this wasn’t great. The roasted, earthy taste that’s typically associated with the roasted green tea was at best faint in the mousse and the genoise. The essence of vanilla from the light and sweet houjicha mousse was much more prominent.

Unfortunately, it’s the chunky apple cubes and added sweetness of the compote that stood out here. If they could make the houjicha flavour stronger, I would rate it a few notches higher.