inspired by the trendy Hawaiian poke bowl, Customers can pick their own favourite mix of spicy hot Sichuan food with over 10 different curated selections of Chengdu Bowls starting from $10.60.
1. Chicken with Chilli Mala Bowl 成都辣子鸡 (With Rice)
💰Small $10.60, Regular $12.80, Large $14.90
2. Chengdu Style Steamed Pork Belly Bowl 梅菜扣肉 (With Rice).
💰Small $10.60, Regular $12.80, Large $14.90
3.Fatty Beef Mala Xiang Guo Bowl 肥牛香锅 (With Rice).
💰Small $10.60, Regular $12.80, Large $14.90
4. Sichuan Spicy Maocai 四川麻辣冒菜 (With Rice).
5. Prawn Paste Noodles with Sour Pickled Soup 泡椒虾滑米线.
💰Small $10.60, Regular $12.80, Large $14.90
6. Classic Sour Fish Rice Noodle 经典酸菜鱼米线.
💰Small $10.60, Regular $12.80, Large $14.90

Chengdu Bowl is available via island-wide delivery on their website:

74 Amoy Street.