@vingeeksg doesn’t have much on their food menu, but what they do have is optimised to complement the wines on tap. It don’t matter if you got a red, white, rosés or sparkling, you’ll definitely find a vino nibble that’ll suit your wine. If you’re looking for a universal crowd pleaser no matter what wine you get, then look no further than the Jamon Ham Croquette ($18++).⠀

While each croquette is on the diminutive side, there are five of them. Each croquette is essentially a piece of mozzarella cheese that’s breaded and deep fried, so it’s impossible for deep fried, molten stretchy cheese to disappoint. However, that ain’t quite enough yet, oh no sir. What goes best with cheese? That’s right, cured meat. In this case, each bite sized croquette is crowned with a long ribbon of Jamon ham. The smoked paprika mayo smeared beneath the croquettes weren’t out in sufficient quantity to make an impact on the flavour, which is a pity as a smoky, mildly spicy mayo is perfect with these fried darlings.⠀

The Jamon Ham Croquettes are so delicious that you’ll want to hog one whole plate to yourself. In the (paraphrased) words of Sandor Clegane from Game of Thrones: Here I am. Bring me one of those croquettes. Think I’ll take two croquettes.

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