🌸 /Cajun Chicken Sandwich 🥪/
Been a hectic week with several submissions and preparation for upcoming presentations while battling with flu. School will only get busier after this with 3 presentations, tests and term papers so time management is essential in order to manage things on my plate. Always reminding myself to have sufficient me time to recharge and to be brave enough to say no to things that I choose not to do, simply because it isn't my priority. Recess感冒,週一回歸校園之後身體一直沒有機會完完全全休息。只要睡眠不足,身體就會透過🤧給警示。即便如此,還是慶幸日子過得很充實。最近行程也都會很滿,但我絲毫不介意「忙裡偷閒」理直氣壯地出現在我的待辦事項裡🤣🤭

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