Finally went down to porridge at coffeehouse with my colleagues as she always recommended for ordering the porridge before 11 a.m. as waiting time goes up 15 to 30 mins only but after peak hours, waiting time goes up to 1 - 2 hrs according to her. Pork and Sliced Fish (Small Size - $4) really up to the standard as they provided a lot of ingredients and serving size such as minced pork, pork liver and sliced fish. It's so worth it to order their porridge once in a blue moon if you felt that you just wanna eat something light. The ingredients for prawn mee such as minced pork meat, pork liver and also sliced fish was really freshly made daily. Porridge got that thick texture with adding half-cooked egg got creamy texture. The taste for porridge was really got old school style and also really want to order pork and chicken version next time.