Take a snap before you could actually devour your meal. Lmao :)) #Foodporn
A fine wednesday night. #Dinner
Hayyyaaaaaa!! :)) #Dinner #TeriyakiBoy #ThursdayNight
Simple Sunday:> #Ootd #FamBam #Lunch #MessyHair #TiedUp #LeopardPrintTops #FloralShorts #FlipFlops
A day away from the city:) #Farm #ZeFamily #Qtime #FreshAir #Lunch #Escape #Lovelove
Because I love to cook for lunch every Sundays:) goodluck allergies. š
#FamilyDay #Lunch #Crabs #GoodluckAllergies #CheatDay #Sunday #Lovelove
That lipstick stain.. Lol
#Coffee #Chillin #GoodVibes
Nawong yan?! :))) #Chill #Tea #FoodCourt #Mariana #Bear #Faceee #Fatty #WackedOut #Saturday #Bebe
This should keep me accompanied tonight! ^__^ lol
#FoodPorn #Doughnuts #KrispyKreme #ChickenBonChon #Fries #CarbsOverload #ComfortFood #MidnightSnack #DavaoLove #Fooooods
With Mom, Dad and Tito. =) on our way home. Stopped for a seafood dinner at Uhh... I forgot the name of the place :D we use to dine here when I was still a kid tho. It's near the beach. Lol I missed this place a lot. :)
#Seafood #Dinner #LeFamilia #MemorablePlace #LoveTheBreeze #SoundOfTheWaves #Calming #Relaxing #AntiStress #Lol
Steaks and Tacos.. Goodstuff. <3
#Valentines #Steaks #Tacos #RedWine #Dinner #FamBam #LovelyTreat #HappyTummy #GoodShht
Bawal daw magutom^__^
#Snacks #Cheetos #Lays #Ruffles #Coffee #Water #Juices #Macadamia #Wafers #Candy #Oreos #Blahblah #Fatty #SillyTummy