A durian sago dessert — how much more local can you get? I've never liked the pungent fruit, but my dad is quite possibly one of the biggest durian fans I know. Every time someone orders this, I'm dragged back to a decade ago, when my dad would cheekily (and annoyingly) eat this dessert on nights he had to tuck us into bed. He would eat it right before telling us our bedtime stories, just so we'd suffer the smell of it later. Without fail, he'd always make sure to blow us a huge kiss when tucking us in. Yes, it stank, and didn't make for the best memories, but I sure do miss the days when all we worried about was what story we'd hear that night. #hawkerpedia

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The Things Parents Do
Chapter 2 The Things Parents Do

Tales of the silly, loving, and sometimes crazy things our parents do for us...and food.

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