If you love fluffy waffle, this is a must go place. I love how they aren’t stingy with their strawberry and the ice cream is enough to have it with the waffles. Best paired with a cup of latter 😍
Hidden cafe which serves yummy home style food. Muslim friendly since they don’t serve meat. Cozy area which serves great coffee. Really love their roll cake, not too sweet and the texture is on point!
Crunchy spicy fried chicken! Nothing like your typical fast food joint fried chicken, you get the syok feeling from eating the fried chicken. Best paired with potato salad. Really nice place where the mural on the wall is really beautifully drawn & instagram worthy! Coffee is amazing!
A cozy place for some me time, yummy carbonara and the coffee is perfect! Love the burnt cheesecake where the texture is soft and melts in your mouth 😍 best part, there’s a roastery in the cafe where you can watch the coffee roasting process. Given a chance to buy coffee from the Toothless Coffee (the roaster) as well! Parking is no hassle as there’s parking within the area instead of having to park by the road side.
Tiramisu as the go-to classic flavour with Black Forest as the modern flavour 😍 good for anyone be someone who’s sweet tooth or not!