Hullo peeps! Today we gonna be exploring the less-explored Japanese Restaurant- Hyotan (瓢箪) which means... Gourd... Ok don't ask me why because I really have no idea... Unless of course the aim is to be like "oh like the magical gourd we shall provide you with with magical food" .... Or at least I wish....

Located along the road of Japanese restaurants, Hyotan is a little far away from the rest and is a few doors away from Souka Bake Shop. While the surroundings are a little dodgy, the interior itself does scream "CLASS!!!" and tables are either in private booths (HOORAY FOR PRIVACY) or by the bar. Sake, alcohol and what not are available and you have some less seen items on the list like ochazuke and this huge gigantic ball onigiri and zosui.

But that's fine. We're here for a meal. And they have set menus as well. Hyotan Bento (Bento A) comes at a price of RM 45 pre 16% tax. Green tea costs RM 1 and wet tissue is RM 0.50 so beware!

The Hyotan Bento A comes with tempura, unagi and salmon sashimi as well as rice, chawanmushi, pickles, salad, salmon roe, and some other side dishes. The 3 salmon slices came fresh and fairly thick in slice whils the tempura came with 1 ebu, 1 sweet potatk, 1 okra and 1 brinjal. The cawanmushi, is smooth and nicely seasoned and comes with ginko and chicken. And the set seems to give you everything in moderation. Very healthy I must say.

But the tempura was a disappointment. The batter was undercooked and not crispy and white like Snow White after she fell into a coma with too much foundation on. But othee than that, this seems to be a pretty value for money set.

So if you're looking for a quiet place to be and don't mind spending a little this is the place for you. And parking! Parking everywhere!

That Snow White comparison cracked me up 😂😂
@veronicaphua hahahaha well I have been deprived of writing anything like this for a long time! (Damn you internship!)