@gaijinsoulfood is a Japanese nondescript Japanese restaurant deep within King Albert Park mall. Their menu is loaded with cooked Japanese staples such as ricebowls, Japanese curries, ramen and udon. It’s a standard Japanese restaurant, not much different than the myriad of other Japanese restaurants in Singapore, which is why their signature Gaijin Tendon was a pleasant surprise.⠀

For $14.98 before GST, this was a tremendous tempura bowl. A chicken fillet, a thick slice of squid, a ponderous prawn, and some assorted vegetables were all coated in a crispy batter that threaded the fine line between thicc & too thick quite well. It was a little greasy though, but not revoltingly so, and I didn’t have much trouble polishing this bowl of fried felicitousness off.⠀

At fifteen bucks, this unassuming Japanese eatery has bested several tempura specialists that would’ve burnt your wallet to the tune of twenty to thirty bucks. Sometimes the gems aren’t hidden, you just gotta stop acting like a gaijin & explore what’s right in front of you.

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