Had their curry rice previously so i tried their curry udon this time round! Although I like the freedom to customise the toppings but fried food + thick Japanese curry can be rather jelat nearing the end of the meal🙈 Still prefer coming at odd hours to avoid lunch crowd~ 偶爾吃一下還okay,上週吃了這週再吃就有點超過,吃到6分飽就膩了😂 咖喱+炸物真的很容易膩,而且我隔天額頭還爆了顆痘🤔😂
最近教的小朋友們開學了,2019第一堂課慣例是問他們開學的近況。最大的小朋友中三,一開學就開始鬱悶了。說覺得老師不重視她,總是叫她某某的同學/ 某某旁邊的女孩。甚至是透過言語諷刺她等等。後來她說她在另一個比較愉快的班自願擔任課代表,原因她說是因為 "that will make me feel important"。聽了不禁有點心疼這個過敏兒。她說學校華文老師一直碎碎唸,才上了一堂課就覺得不喜歡。還說自己的成績不保,叫我要更加努力🤔 叛逆期就是嘴硬,明明也是靠她自己的努力啦,不然怎麼可能半年跳四個grade。又不是我去考試啦🤣 只能繼續鼓勵引導惹💪🏻