Course 7: Wagyu Beef Dish⁣ “Wagyu Beef served with Uni, Egg Yolk and Fresh Black Truffles”⁣
Almost like show-cooking, the Wagyu Beef was laid on the plate, seared with a single piece of charcoal, placed full of Uni and Egg Yolk. Then covered with shaved Fresh Black Truffles. Every single movement of the Chef was mesmerising. You will definitely be unable to look away in amazement as he puts together the dish. The taste was superb and extremely sinful. However, satisfying yet dissatisfying at the same time was the fact that it was a one mouth dish. Almost like an amuse-bouche. I had to eat the whole thing in one bite to get maximal pleasure but after, there was just no more! And I wanted more!!⁣

Course 8: Uni & Ikura Rice⁣
This humble course was the perfect example of how when you put a few simple but extremely high quality ingredients together, you can produce the most outstanding dish. Sweet uni goodness with the freshest sweetest ikura you could ever ask for and melt in your mouth negitoro on a small bed of tasty sushi rice. What a combination. Given the chance, I could have probably eaten another 20 bowls of that but that just shows how good a dish that was.⁣

Course 9: Seasonal Soup⁣
“Miso Soup with Sesame Tofu”⁣
A good miso soup to wash down all the goodness. I was satisfied at this point. The sesame tofu had a mochi texture and a pleasant aroma of sesame. It was a fulfilling touch near the end of the meal.⁣

Course 10: Seasonal Dessert⁣
“Melon, Matcha Ice Cream, Matcha Chocolate and Mochi platter”⁣
Closing our 10 Course Experience was the dessert platter. The Matcha Ice Cream within a puff, eaten in one bite proved a sweet cold sensation throughout my mouth. Not too sweet and very satisfying. The Matcha Chocolate was sugary, thick and comforting. The mochi soft and pleasant. Finally, the Melon was wondrously sweet and refreshing. A good end to a magical experience. -Foodie🖖🏻 & Foodier✌🏻