“PorkMi” is what I reckon the mouthwatering Indo Bakmi by @hunterskitchensg should be christened. It is a flavourbomb disguised innocently as a packet of noodles with pork plus an entourage of condiments. Included is a sinfully rich pork oil-based sauce which acts like a binder for everything.
Preparation is simple and straightforward, and barely takes a minute once the pot of water starts to boil. The end result after you’ve given the noodles a thorough mix is so shiok, I had to take a moment.
Christina also sent me her newest variation of Bakmi to try. It comes with a Spicy Pork Belly sauce and is just as tantalising with those chunkier cuts of meat.
If you are like me and adore pork well as springy noodles, you need to give these noodles a try ($12 a packet). Orders can be placed via DM to @hunterskitchensg.

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