Date visited: 21/04/2018 (Sat, 1pm)

This shop specializes mainly in one traditional Chinese pastry- ang ku kueh.

Ang ku kueh is one of the most common and important steamed cakes in Chinese culture.

Actually, the shop offers a wide range of flavours - peanut, sweet bean, salted bean, corn, coconut, yam and durian (seasonal) fillings.

However, most flavours were sold out by the time I reached the shop.

Didn't have to think very hard as I only had 2 flavours to choose from - the peanut filling or/ and the sweet bean filling. I decided to go for the peanut filling.

One of the staff told me if I buy 5, she will pack them in a (styrofoam) box (instead of plastic bags) for me.

I ordered 5 and when I checked with her how long I could keep the kuehs before they turn bad, she assured me I would finish everything that very night. Lol.

The soft red skin that wraps the dessert is made mostly from sweet potato and glutinous rice flour. Freshly made, the skin reminds me of the skin of 汤圆 (tang yuan), a Chinese dessert - soft and chewy.

I love Ji Xiang handmade ang ku kueh because they generally have thinner/ softer skin compared to those made by machines.

The filling is equally good. The peanuts were ground to a good consistency (not too smooth). There was a slight crunch to the peanut filling when I bit down on it. Wonderful!

Ji Xiang ang ku kueh are good to keep for 3 days (refrigerated). If you buy them on a Monday, Wednesday should be the last day you consume them. Throw out on Thursday.