Tucked away in Orchard Plaza, this tiny (12 seats only!) izakaya serves up some of the tastiest chicken skewers in town — so good that we can't help but forgive the less than warm service. Be warned: this is not for the casual eater looking for dinner nosh; the place specialises in all parts of the chicken, so bring a sense of adventure and also, be prepared to pay. Once you commit to the experience, the fun begins. The food menu is only one page long, so skip the boring old foie gras and chicken wings, and zero in on the unusual bits. Though we were initially squeamish, we ended up loving the Tori Yukke ($15), chicken tartare (yes, raw chicken!) marinated beautifully in sesame oil and spices. The Bonjiri, otherwise known as the tail ($4.30) and liver ($4.50) skewers were possibly the best we've tasted, as was the Tsukune ($5.50, choose between salt or sauce) — you won't regret having these unbelievably flavourful chicken meatballs with sauce. Oenophiles would love the extensive selection of natural wines.
Avg price: $75 per person with drinks
Photo by Burppler Jayne Tan