Good for 5 pax
Ingredients: 400-500g pork bones, 3-4 slices of dried octopus, 3 dried scallops, 2 Chinese honey dates (the big ones), 5-6 red dates, 3-4 sprigs of wild yuzhu, 1 ring of winter melon, 1 carrot

1) blanch pork in boiling water for about 15 mins
2) rinse pork bones
3) 2.5 bowls of water (using the biggest soup bowl I had).. for future tries, 2 and 1/3 bowl is sufficient)
4) throw in all dried ingredients and pork, boil on high heat for 30 mins
5) after 30 mins, throw in winter melon and carrot, boil another 1 hour on medium heat
6) add salt and soy sauce to season (add only when about to serve)