1) 那些年我们一起看的草莓牛奶(NT130)- interesting name for a hot cup of strawberry milk with lots of foam.

2) 苹果肉桂冰淇淋+紧得要命松饼(NT180)- technically waffles with ice cream and fruits but thet served it with a classy cocktail glass. 2 pieces of fluffly waffles with vanilla ice cream and apples!

3)阿不思庄园拿铁(NT190)- really creamy foamy iced latte. My order of that day and one of the special for that cafe. A kinda of drink to sip on on an afternoon day off people watching.

4)史瑞克流鼻血(NT130)- what's nose bleeding shrek doing on the menu?? Thats just green tea milk with azuki beans 😂

They also serve 老板娘特调 ( NT135) but only one cup a day!!!

Hi Guys! I'm physically back in Singapore already! Just sharing my #throwback Taiwan stuff. Though probably I'm still spiritually there with their cheap good food! 😂
