The humble goreng pisang is one of the very traditional local snacks that has gone out of fashion in recent years.

Kee's Crispy Goreng Pisang is nowhere to be found on the list of 'The Best Goreng Pisang Hawkers in Singapore'. But I think the quality of their goreng pisang is pretty good.

For its fried banana fritters, Kee only uses pisang raja bananas that are ripened. You can tell the banana is ripe when it has a slightly black centre.

The stall offers fried banana fritters in different sizes- small ($1), medium ($1.20), large ($1.50) & extra large (king-size banana aka 香蕉王, $2).

Pisang raja is my favourite banana for banana fritters.

It has a high water content and is suitable for frying as it is still juicy after frying.

Kee's (fried) banana (fritter) had a soft texture. It was a touch overripe, juicy, creamy, and had a full custard-like flavour. Also, it had a nice balance of sweetness and acidity. It has a rich taste, yet does not taste overly rich due to the slight acidic taste.

The coat of batter that encased the banana was thin, crispy, but not hard (characteristic of the Chinese-style goreng pisang) and it had a very subtle saltiness to it.

The banana melted in my mouth along with the batter. Woah!

They also sell other varieties of fried fritters like tapioca cake ($1), yam/ taro slice ($1), and sweet potato slice ($1), but looking at the amount of fried pisang raja neatly displayed, I would say their flagship snack is still the pisang raja.

I also tried the (green/ pandan) tapioca cake ($1) because it is one of my personal favourites. The kueh has a nice, soft, and slightly sticky/ chewy texture which contrasts well with the crunchy, thin batter. Excellent!

Most fried stuff become soggy/ greasy after a while, but the batter of Kee's fritters remains crispy for a long time. The pisang goreng here is very good and worth trying. Worth the calories!

For the $1 items, you can get 6 pieces for $5.50.