Saw Burpple Tastemaker Dixon's review on the Prata coin here and I just knew I had to specially make a trip down for myself. I came with high expectations and this Prata coin proved itself worthy of his extremely positive review. Soft, fluffy yet still very crispy, the Prata coin kind of melts in your mouth. The Prata coin smells invitingly of butter, which nicely complements the fragrance of the chicken curry served. I initially thought the portion was too much for me, but the whole plate disappeared without me noticing. Definitely coming back for more!

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Saw this on the review of the day. Great that you liked it! Can't wait for my next visit.. But can't do this too often :)
Dixon Chan thanks for the Intro! It was really really good! Yeah, insanely guilty but NVM lah, we live to eat (;
Burpple (Singapore) thank you (:
You're most welcome! 😄