Syiok never fails to blow me away with their super unique and innovative bakes. This time is no different, as it's my first time seeing anyone selling a mochi pie or mochi tart! These are only available on the weekends, so on a bright and sunny Saturday morning, I decided to haul myself out of bed and travel over an hour to Beauty World Centre just to get these pies and gosh was it WORTH IT.

I was absolutely SHOOK at the fillings because HOLY WOW MOCHI!!! I was expecting there to be mainly chocolate with a little piece of mochi inside, like how the mochi in mochi bread is, but I was so pleasantly surprised to cut it open and be greeted by WHITE WHITE MOCHI with some chocolate filling! Not complaining at the amount of mochi 👀 the mochi is really similar to BreadTalk's mochi, it's pretty liquidy and stretchy and sweet. I personally really love the texture! The chocolate is also really nice and adds a bit of chocolateyness to this.

Sooo good!! Super worth my trip down to beauty world on Saturday.

⭐ Rating: 8.7/10 mochi pulls
🤑 worth the price: yeS
🦖 would I buy again: YES
💍 would I marry: YES