Step 1: Find a group of 8-10 foodie friends and set a date.
2: Make a reservation with the restaurant along with the bumboat that'll take you from the jetty to the kelong. The bumboat is fixed at $100 for return trips.
3: Order the dishes at least 3 days in advance - they need time to bring and prepare some of the ingredients from the mainland.
4: Make sure that you and your friends arrive at the correct jetty and not the other two along the same stretch. It's Changi Point Ferry Terminal.
5: Enjoy the 5-10 min ride on the small bumboat.
6: Choose the "catch your fish" option, and send the luckiest or bravest person to do the fishing. You are likely to get either a seabass or, in our case, a red snapper. Then decide on whether you want it cooked Teochew, Assam, or Hongkong style.
7: Sit at the table or explore the outside of the restaurant while waiting for your food to arrive.
8: FEAST! I particularly enjoyed the fried clam beehoon, salted egg fried calamari and of course our self-caught TRULY FRESH fish. Don't forget to order a basket of fried mantous to dip into the chilli and black pepper crabs. I usually prefer chilli crab sauce with some sweetness like that of Jumbo, so the sour Assam-like sauce didn't win too many points from me. Our red snapper was steamed with just soy sauce which I think is the best way to enjoy the succulent white protein.
9: 7pm is the cutoff time for the bumboat to leave (I know, it was a super early dinner), so you can gaze at the sunset on the way back to the mainland. Save some space for dessert at Changi Village!