there are so many stuff there but my tummy can only contain something simple, hence ordered this Mao Shan Wang soft serve. The taste is very ‘gao’ indeed. It’s delicious! :)
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This durian dessert cafe is THE place for all things durian, served with a dose of industrial chic — think brick walls and exposed beam ceilings. Four Seasons Durian is well-known for their durian confectionaries, so rest assured these desserts will hit the spot. Go in a group so you can share the love but think twice about bringing non-converts; as Burppler Kris Lim says, the smell will hit you once you enter the space. The extensive menu is bound to get durian lovers hot under the collar. The D24 Durian Mochi ($5 for four) are chewy and rather mild but if you yearn for stronger flavours, go straight for the Mao Shang Wang Durian Mochi ($8.80 for four). Others to try include the Durian Strudel ($15.80), Mao Shan Wang Ice Cream ($5.80), Mao Shan Wang Coffe ($5) and the delectable Mao Shan Wang Ice Cream Puffs ($15.80 for six), which many say are a must-order. If you can't find a seat, get the Mao Shan Wang Takeaway Cup ($6.80) to go — the soft serve sundae makes a lovely treat while moseying through Chinatown.
Avg Price: $10 per person
Photo by Burppler Kris Lim