When in doubt of what to order, you can hardly go wrong with their signature!

I really liked the taste of the beef broth here, which had a slight herbal fragrance and didn't feel like it was salt-laden. The warm, comforting broth is definitely something that I wouldn't mind going back for and is definitely ideal when you're craving something light and soupy for your meal!

To be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to the beef here because they looked awfully dry at first. However, I was quite surprised because they weren't as tough and dry as I had imagined they would be, and I felt the thickness of the slices were just nice.

I like how theres so many variety of noodles to choose from here (8 types!!) but i guess that would mean a tough time choosing for the indecisive. However, I would really recommend trying these flat noodles, which was easily my favourite with a smooth texture and a satisfactory QQ (chewy) bite. Makes me miss the knife-shaved noodles I had so often when I was in china 😋

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