Look at how beautiful and colorful this bowl looks! 😍 This entire bowl became vegetarian by accident 😂 For $16.90, it comes with 1 base (cauliflower and egg white rice), 2 vegetables (baby peas and leeks + curried cauliflower) +, 2 proteins (kale frittata + baked quinoa falafel) and 1 dollop (hummus) on a mesclun salad base.

I really liked the falafel though. It was crumbly, sweet with the flavor of tahini. And there's the frittata, which is really packed with kale and the tangy tomato topping is really nice. I loved the cauliflower rice too, which always tastes so clean and flavorful. Peas are also a rare thing to find in protein bowls which popped in my mouth like candy.


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