It annoys me hugely when wait staff at places with good ingredients don't know about said ingredients.

So, I'm doing their job. Satsumagyu is the wagyu Olympics winner, and it comes from Kagoshima.

And they really are good. It's incredibly tender, there's the teeniest of bite, and the beefiness is decent too

Short ribs sear until completely grey on one side and turn. After a few seconds on the other side, it should be grey already and quickly remove, rest, season, and serve

Ribeye cap season on one side while searing, once it's fully grey on the bottom and you see the oils, flip and repeat on the other side. Middle should be red, you're shooting for medium rare-medium on this piece(cos it's thicker)

Absolutely incredible meat at absolutely incredible places. The best value yakiniku place on the island, prove me wrong. At most places this quality would be 3 digits on the bill per pax

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