Good place for many $9.80 lunch options- including kaisendon, nabe, teriyaki chicken + tempura. Free flow sides and desserts with any order of sets.

Free flow sides include: beansprouts, mashed up eggs, kimchi, potato salad, grilled sweet potato, stewed yam, steam rice, flavored rice, miso soup.

You literally can get full from the free flow sides. The mains you order from the menu can perhaps make the lunch more exciting. Also to note, yakitori available for order too at reasonable prices (can spam!!!!!); chicken gg for $1/stick, chicken ball $1.50/stick etc.

Desserts option is simple- coffee jelly, butter cake & crème caramel.

Free flow water, tea and black coffee.

Honestly, for the price, you really can't complain. It's not the best in terms of quality but just focus on the price, you will just feel its value for money lol