Lychee Rose 🌹 Tea 荔枝玫瑰茶 (S$4.50)
Available at @ChaTraMueSG in @SavourWorldSG
Refreshing drink. Interestingly the staff reminded me of its Laxatives effect when I placed ordered one. Was 👌🏼, until 4 hours later the effects kicked in. The toilet 🚽 was my best friend for rest of the nite.
Cha Tra Mue Cafe
Address 🏠 : SavourWorld, 2 Science Park Drive, # 01-31 Ascent, Singapore 🇸🇬 118 222
Tel ☎️ : 9229 9001
Open 💈 : Mon - Fri : 8am - 5.30pm
MRT 🚇 : Kent Ridge (CC24)
Website :
Origin : @ChaTraMue , Thailand 🇹🇭

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