After driving past this place numerous times, we finally had dinner here. And I couldn't be happier because this is how I've always thought Teochew porridge should be.
On display are dishes you'd expect of any self-respecting Teochew porridge stall: steamed fishcake, "kiam chye buay" (preserved vegetables boiled till mush), whitebait and "lor arh" (braised duck). Plus -- and I got really excited when I saw this -- they also serve the rarer, more interesting dishes, like cold crayfish and "ter tau bak" (pig's head meat). How cool is that!
I can't help but award them an "A" for their three condiments: "tau cheo" (fermented soya bean), a bright orange garlicky chilli sauce and a thick black soya sauce filled with lots of cut chili padi and chopped raw garlic. They complete the meal so perfectly.