It's pungent, it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, it's the king of fruit and it is a component in a Singaporean identity. Despite being hailed as our national fruit, the durian has always been greeted with polarised opinions from both foriegners and locals.

I'm neutral about it - the darting sweet taste of the durian flesh, combined with a paper-thin veil of acidity makes this fruit so suspect, but still enjoyable. The only problem lies in the aftertaste - it's how I would imagine licking chalkboard to taste like. But, it's a fair trade-off I suppose. 😬

This softserve captured all the good parts about the durian's taste, and thankfully omitted the awful aftertaste. This was as delightful as the many ice-creams I've had - I think it may confuse sceptics if they were to have a go at it! 😛 (7/10)