宫保鸡丁煲仔饭($12.90) - the rice was so good when mixed with the Gong Bao Sauce - Beware! This is spicy!
三菇西兰花豆腐($14.90) - the handmade beancurd was very smooth & silky. Nice!
瓦煲麻油鸡($17.90) - claypot chicken was tender but the sesame fragrance could be stronger
肉碎清蒸三色蛋($16.90) - steamed assorted eggs was nice with sudden bites of saltiness
干炉肉碎四季豆($11.90) - the french beans was ok though the look was slightly pathetic
肉松肉碎菜圃蛋($12.90) - omelette sturdily filled with crunchy chai po
冰花蜜汁咕噜肉($18.90) - super overly sweet but not sour pork