It took some nudging by a friend to visit Kki. I’m the biggest advocate for desserts, especially those that look like a work of art and “taste the part” but the reservation policy at Kki and excuse of a busy schedule were deterrences.

Thankfully the nudging resulted in an cake experience by a self taught chef that creates exquisite cakes. Some were required an acquired tastebud to appreciate for example the Nero had a strong truffle paste that will set my palate back each bite. Next Koide (above) paired mint and grapefruit together with other sweeter fruits (peach and lychee) - the tiny yet potent mint leaves with grapefruit pulp was either love or hate beside the other subtle flavours.

The friendlier cakes we had were J’s and the crowd favourite Yona. Half the time I was just enamoured by the presentation and wondered what sort of dessert techniques allowed for the mousse/curd to hold so well together yet was smooth and so easy on the palate.

Overall everyone should visit Kki at least once- an invitation to pause from a world of visual clutter and taste what’s been plated (as per written on the unique menu) 😚

Not available anymore