I especially love the passion fruit curd 😙
RM 14.00
#kohiyattakl #kohiyatta #japanesefusion #passionfruit #August2017
Hope to try their Extreme Hot Sauce next time but prolly not at this particular outlet
RM 16.80
#hotwings #hotwingsmalaysia #chickenleg #hotsauce #July2017
Like for reals!
RM 8.90
#seaweedclub #seaweedclubmalaysia #seaweedtuna #ricebowl #July2017
Or something cold?
#brycg #brycggreenhousebymuir #tea #lunch #July2017
RM 58.00
#brycg #brycggreenhousebymuir #lobsterroll #lunch #July2017
RM 19.90
#eatomofoodco #friedoysters #oysters #japaneserestaurant #July2017
Do they really go well together? I was sceptical at first (mainly because I hate greens 🙈). But this one, you oughtta try. It's good!
RM 12.00
*we requested extra egg on top*
#littlepeoplecafe #littlepeople #avantasresidences #oldklangroad #July2017
RM 15.00
#littlepeoplecafe #littlepeople #oldklangroad #chocolatetart #July2017
I've been ordering this quite often ever since they created this delight 😙
RM 25.00 (Spaghettini)
RM 26.00 (Taglioni)
#littlepeoplecafe #littlepeople #oldklangroad #piccatagranchio #July2017
And my favourite pairing is with @heinzketchup_us!
RM 10.00
#strangersat47 #strangersatforty7 #sweetpotatofries #snack #July2017
RM 27.00
#raftcafekl #mybreakfast #binjai8premiumsoho #brunch #July2017
Level 9 Burppler · 1102 Reviews
I'm just a simple girl who loves food, coffee, cocktails, travel & most of all - planning a wedding!