The way to consume this ceviche is to pour the contents of the 2 shot glasses, one of which is actually a shot of pisco, together with the small ladle of habanero pepper into the jar, and shake the contents till the colour of the mixture turns orangey-red! As compared to the Caribbean ceviche, this was more citrusy and acidic. The alcoholic component also felt way stronger. Thus, if you can't really appreciate alcohol I wouldn't really recommend this dish!
First time trying Ceviches! (Pronounced as seh-vee-chay) This came with a side of 2 round discs of fried wanton skin which seemed quite unique, though I'm still not entirely sure how/what ceviches are usually like or what they are usually served with hahaš¤ The coconut fragrance coupled with the shot of rum was quite interesting, with the alcohol not overwhelming the coconut.
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