324 Lavender Street
Singapore 338822

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From the Burpple community

Adam's corner is a 24 hour shop located along Lavender street.

They have a very very extensive menu, from zhi char, to thai food, to Indian, Muslim food etc

The maggi goreng pattaya was rather good. Portion is huge and entire dish was flavourful.


Western Food Menu only avaliable after 1pm.

Sirloin Steak cooked to medium well. It was tender and good. Not bad for a shop that does not specialise in western food.

Sambal was very shiok, flavourful and not very spicy.

Comes with a large plate of crispy fries as well

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Back to my usual place for lunch.

This time round, brought a group of colleagues here for lunch, so decided to go with the halal zhi char.

One of the better delicious dish we had for lunch was this Thai chilli sauce fish.

The fish was fresh, exterior skin was fried to crisp. Interior meat still soft and fresh.

The thai chilli sauce also quite shiok.


Adam's corner is a 24 hour shop located along Lavender street.

They have a very very extensive menu, from zhi char, to thai food, to Indian, Muslim food etc.

Decided to have the maggi goreng thai and have absolutely no regrets. Portion is huge and entire dish was flavourful.

Have been eating at Adams corner weekly at least once, and can vouch that their food is good.

From Adam’s Corner
Had the tasty curry with crispy prata.
Teh tarik also not bad.


From Adam’s Corner
Had the tasty curry with egg onion prata.
Teh tarik also not bad.