More Reviews at Guan Hoe Soon Restaurant 源和春

More Reviews of good food at Guan Hoe Soon Restaurant 源和春

📍Guan Hoe Soon, Joo Chiat 📍
💸 Sotong Sambal
💸 Traditional Nyonya Roast Pork
💸 Ayam Buah Keluak
💸 Hee Peow soup
💸 Ngoh Hiang
Had our lunch at Guan Hoe Soon, one of the oldest Peranakan restaurants in Singapore😃! Tried a variety of dishes and our favourite was their Traditional Nonya Roast Pork🍖, a dish we had to call and reserve in advance as it's not on the menu. We liked the combination of the roast pork with pickled veggies, as the slightly sour and refreshing pickles helped to cut through the grease🥒. The other dishes were pretty good as well, but we felt the portion was a little small for it's price. Nevertheless, we had a pretty nice experience there. Definitely a good place for family meals👪!

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I think dessert, it's quite nice. Not the best but still quite uummy

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Nah skip this dessert. It's covered with a thick layer of starch with a tiny piece of water chestnut. Just don't get it.

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Back for more. I love all the dishs, the chap chye,the sambal udang and especially the ayam buah keluak. Gotta eat them all 😋

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The pork balls were mostly pork and salty, not much taste of crab or the presence of crab. It was quite a disappointment. It’s not difficult to make because you can get pasteurised crab meat these days. It’s also supposed to have bamboo shoots but maybe there weren’t much I don’t recall.

Salty but lacked the flavour I thought it should

Had this as a catering at a party, but gotta say this has been one of the better caterings I’ve had! We had the mee siam, chicken curry, beef rendang, chap chye, satay babi, tamarind prawn and gula melaka sago. Every dish was flavourful and slightly above average tastewise! Only gripe would be that I wished the beef rendang and satay Babi were more tender, but I guess that’s asking a little too much from catering 😅😅 Also, particularly liked the gula melaka sago as you can titrate the level of sweetness that you want 👍🏻👍🏻

Peranakan Food; just wanted to put this picture out there. Was too busy eating to really savour the food - I didn't even take many pictures! So I can't give a comprehensive review, but the food was tasty. One thing to note - the person who paid the bill (not me) said it was on the slightly pricey side.

💳 Accepts credit cards
🌬 Air-conditioned seats
☎ Accepts reservations - I called them

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Peranakan Food; just wanted to put this picture out there. Was too busy eating to really savour the food - I didn't even take many pictures! So I can't give a comprehensive review, but the food was tasty. One thing to note - the person who paid the bill (not me) said it was on the slightly pricey side.

💳 Accepts credit cards
🌬 Air-conditioned seats
☎ Accepts reservations - I called them

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Apart from the super legit pernakan food here, the chendol is also awesome. The gula melaka is so rich.


This place truly deserves the raving reviews it gets. The food is legit and I should know, growing up peranakan and eating authentic peranakan cooking by my aunties. The gula melaka in the chendol is insanely good.

A few more hours till New Year's Eve and I am just thinking about how amazing this year has been. New experiences and new people. But I am glad that the good old people stayed around. I love you guys 😘😘😘 Although the sago Gula Melaka here isn't traditionally Peranakan as the sago should be served as a pudding, it was still relatively good! #NYE #burpple


I personally feel that buah keluak is one of the most representative of Peranakan food and I think that their buah keluak gives quite a good introduction for beginners. The taste of buah keluak(bitter nut) is an acquired taste. But their version is a lot milder, where it is stir fried w a lot more minced meat and you barely taste the buah keluak. The curry that comes with it is nice with a slight Assam flavour. But if you were thinking of trying the otah, forget abt it and go for the ngoh hiang instead! One plus point is that they don't charge service charge here!

My mum said we had to order the "sio bak" because she saw it being prepared on TV and it's suppose to be a specialty of theirs. Seems the roasting is done in-house as well. Smeared over the pork was a unique coriander-based paste which gave an added layer of seasoning. The crackling skin was crunchy as well - in my opinion, the all-important factor in determining if a roast pork makes the cut or not. I also like that besides cucumber, there's some pickled vegetables served on the side to help offset the richness of the meat.

spicy sambal prawns, savoury chicken buah keluak, my favorite chap cai and the famous ngoh hiang.
a rather sunny yet rainy Sunday. it rains then shines, sunlight at full blast yet downpour a minute later

Worth ordering

Loved this!! Very nice and just right spiciness

Nice tasting and worth the price!

Supposed to be a signature dish, this was quite ok, the soup stock had lots of flavour. The garnished egg omelette was purely for good looks and achieved nothing for the taste. They used small swalor prawns which gave it great flavour.
Kudos there
I would have liked to see fried shallots and more prawns to give it more protein balance to the noodles (carbs)

wonderfully delicious experience with Babi Pangang Rempah, Mutton Rendang, Otak Otak apart from best ever Sambal Kangkong & mouth watering Ikan Adam Pedas !! #guanhoesoo n#singapore #foodie #foodiegram #instafood #instagood #instamood #burpple #peranakanfood#singaporefood