80 Pyrmont Street
Pyrmont 2009

(open in Google Maps)

06:00pm - 10:00pm

06:00pm - 10:00pm

06:00pm - 10:00pm

06:00pm - 10:00pm

06:00pm - 10:00pm

06:00pm - 10:00pm


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From the Burpple community

10 courses curated by renowned Chef David Chang. Caribbean inspired menu this time round, amazing experience along with great service stuff

After trying some of Sydney's top restaurants from Quay, Tetsuya to Sepia, Momofuku Seibo turned out to be very underwhelming.
Salty, clashing tastes, and very loud music, so much so that we couldn't hear the waiter more than half the time. Okay, next meal will be better.



The open kitchen where the magic happens.

I skipped the two dessert courses before this because what arrived after that as the final course, unlisted in the menu, came as a total surprise. The best, goddamn pulled pork you will ever have the pleasure of tasting. So good, they don't provide you any cutlery. Instead you eat with your hands so you can savour the pleasure of pulling apart the melt in your mouth strings of meat and then licking every vestige of that beautiful sticky sauce off your fingers after the deed has been done. I say it still counts as dessert because, "candied".


You can't see it from the photo, but hidden beneath that mound of artistically plated radish and dusting of finely diced black bean, are some of the tastiest, most luscious cubes of medium rare wagyu I've tasted.

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I did not know abalone could taste this good. Perfectly seared abalone accompanied by an earthy combination of artichoke puree and sunflower seeds. Comfort food elevated.

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