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From the Burpple community

Essentially with satay. Everything was acceptable but nothing fantastic. That means for their prices it's questionable.

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Teh Hahlia with just the right amount of ginger and sweetness

Brings back memories of Project Meraki, a project that will always have an important place in my heart ❤️ #prata #goreng #curry #supper
借著凌晨兩點發宵夜文來圖文不符嘍~ #慧思敏語
九月一號週日花了一整天做社區服務,感覺特別爽。感恩遇到Grp 9 可愛的小夥伴們一起為社會盡一份力,讓社會變得更美好一些。就如學姐借來分享的金句,「一個人多麼富有不是在於他擁有多少,而是他能付出多少」~ 大家從早上9點集合到晚上約10點多結束,整整13小時的Servathon。累但是值得!

早上到租賃租屋做問卷調查,了解那裡居民的需要同時分發新床單。問卷之後交給了社會企業Kindness Mart跟進。之後就是午餐時間了,同時也是特別企劃Street Angel的執行時間。我們到街上把小禮物和親手寫的卡片送給我們覺得日常生活中常被忽略的"小人物"。比如送貨員,清潔工等等。我把我那份小禮物送給了清潔工爺爺,當我看到這些老爺爺老奶奶辛苦工作時心裡總會很心疼不捨。老爺爺驚喜的表情告訴我這樣的活動應該多辦點。最好是融入日常生活中裡,也不一定要送禮物。對這些不可或缺的重要人物,不要說重視了,一聲謝謝一個微笑也能夠讓他們感覺到自己有被當人看待。

之後到了特別的地方開始第三項任務,和我們的special friends 參加嘉年華會。陪他們玩了很多遊戲,但那不是重點重點是和他們的對話。有一位大哥跟我聊了很多,他有看新聞所以對時事新聞頗有了解。

最喜歡巫启贤《太傻》的他說: 「我不喜歡打仗,我喜歡和平,打仗會害死人的,不要打仗」「你們都是好人,來這裡陪我們。可惜這個世界壞人比好人多。你是好人」

活動當兒有分發豆花給special friends,護士也有一份。在我旁邊那位護士說她剛吃飽,吃不下所以等下再吃。結果當她看到special friends把他們那份吃完之後,她想都沒想就把自己那份拿了過來,分給他們吃。我問她是不是不喜歡吃豆花,她說:No la, because I can go and buy this anytime but they cannot leave this place. (不是的,我可以隨時買來吃但是他們不能離開這個地方。) 聽了這句話感觸很深😢

最後到外籍員工宿舍和華人巴士車長一起提前慶祝中秋節。這群是我們大部份人每天都會看到的,但是誰有機會和他們一對一地談話呢?在他們身上我看到了敬業精神。四川成都來了六年半的包車長,把CCK所有路線都背下來了。他說上頭交代下來的事情,要把事情做好了是員工應該做的。打工的就應該要能讓老闆放心,工作態度很重要。兒子工作了幾年,經濟能力也變好了所以一直催車長回國。但是他想要多待一陣子,賺多點錢買套房子。當他說起開了30多年的巴士,準確說出來新的年月日時。我在他眼裡看到了滿滿的自豪。其中一位車長更是唱了一首他自己深夜想家時創作的歌曲,真的很感動😭 透過這次活動,我更深入了解移民工離鄉背井到這裡來的艱辛。這裡語言陌生,食物吃不慣每天自己煮,休假也不怎麼出去玩。谢谢車長叔叔誇我優秀,希望你們能早日如願回家和家人團聚🌸

很慶幸自己選擇參加Servathon 2019!
Come closer ~
Take a closer look, hear a different story ❤️

Quite disappoint with the Thosai. Not much taste of Masala and the portion was quite small.

Needed something extra after lunch, a little on the sweet side 😅

Not many drink stall in Singapore sell this kind of beverage anymore. Reason is simply there are too many alternative that has make some old school drink disappear.

Tea O limau - translate is black tea with lime. It can be serve hot or cold though and before we have ice lemon tea ; this is a common drink served in Singapore and even in Malaysia. Citing lemon is considered a luxury item that this is how the original citrus tea began.

The tea base is black or red tea and 3 whole limes partially slice and squeeze the juices to infused with the tea. Ironically it must be 3 limes no more or less in order to achieve the fusion of lime and hot tea and stir in a dash of sugar and is a perfect drink in humid weather and to wash down oiliness of food. The same can be serve cold and process is repeated with final step to add in ice but not my preference as it dilute the tea when ice melts.

Do try it next time if you are new to Singapore local drinks

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