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From the Burpple community

Beef Rendang, Ayam Panggang, Sotong Sambal, Taruang Belado

(from Sinar Pagi Nasi Padang)

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Upon order, the stall assistant will slice up the French loaf and heat it up to a nice char before spreading a generous amount of Hainanese kaya and adding slabs of cold butter across. The heat will melt the salted butter slightly, giving it a nice complement to the sweeter coconut jam. The perfect accompaniment to toast will be soft boiled eggs and coffee.
✨ Hainan Kaya Toast
📍 1 Geylang Serai, Geylang Serai Market, Unit 02-125, Singapore 402001
🍴 [Self Funded]


Nasi sambal goreng complete with sambal sotong and paru goreng. And it’s yummy too. Please give it a try when you’re doing your marketing at Geylang Market.

Nasi Padang and more at #02-147, we gave this Nasi Rawon a try. Comes with an assortment of ingredients, I really liked the soft, baby cuttlefish and the spicy sambal belachan. The black beef gravy that gets poured all over was also nice and luscious, making it a very satisfying meal.


Served piping hot, this plate was a real delight. Enjoyed the cuttlefish and begedil a lot!

#02-147 Shaliza Kitchen

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From Warung Yes Boss
Delightful plate of roti kirai $3.50 only.

Refreshing cup of Katira Power $1.50 nearby.

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